Free Beacon Micah Mattix

Micah Mattix is an associate professor of English at Regent University and a contributing editor at The Weekly Standard. He edits the literary newsletter Prufrock.

Reading to the End

Review: Clive James, ‘Latest Readings’

August 29, 2015

The Real ‘Great Satan’

Review: Michael Walsh, ‘The Devil’s Pleasure Palace: The Cult of Critical Theory and the Subversion of the West’

August 22, 2015

Saul Bellow at 100

Review: Zachary Leader, ‘The Life of Saul Bellow: To Fame and Fortune, 1915-1964’

June 20, 2015

Knowing Me, Knowing You

Review: Harold Bloom’s ‘The Daemon Knows: Literary Greatness and the American Sublime’

June 13, 2015
Jeff Nunokawa

Literary Facebook

Review: Jeff Nunokawa, ‘Note Book’

May 17, 2015

Sex, Poetry, and the Great Beyond

Review: Langdon Hammer’s ‘James Merrill: Life and Art’

May 2, 2015
Elizabeth Bishop

Elizabeth Bishop’s Artistry

Review: Colm Tóibín’s ‘On Elizabeth Bishop’

April 11, 2015